These GeoTrips are rock outcrops, geological displays or landforms that you can visit and explore in New Zealand.

They have been compiled by GNS Science with the kind assistance of geologists and knowledgeable enthusiasts from around the country.

Along with images and useful background information, each GeoTrip includes advice to get you started with making your own geological explorations and discoveries. We will be adding many more GeoTrips so there will be plenty for you to visit. Watch this space!

A word of warning: New Zealand's weather can change quickly for the worse, cliffs can be loose and unstable, and terrain may be treacherous underfoot. Please remember that safety is your responsibility at all times. Common sense, careful judgment and a change of plan are preferable to pushing your luck when conditions might be hazardous. Please read our disclaimer here.

We encourage you to go and visit these locations to discover for yourself the amazing story of New Zealand’s geology and natural processes that continue to this day. We also love it when you give feedback and comments and share the information with others.

To get started, have a look at our GeoTrip locations here.